Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Theme of Freedom and Childhood in Jane Eyre - Free Essay Example

Jane Eyre From her trials during childhood with her abusive Aunt and relatives, to her time at Lowood, her affection for Mr. Rochester, and her teaching and encounters with the Rivers. Jane learns many valuable and worthwhile lessons throughout the book. From childhood Jane was forthright, and slowly she learned how to stand up for herself; starting with her reproaching John Reed for hitting her. The outcome of this unfortunately lead to Jane being sent to Lowood an institution for orphans; there it was very harsh, cold, and mean, but Jane was lucky enough to make friends with Helen and also Miss Temple. Jane remained at the school for eight years, six as a student and two as a teacher. Finally with the education she had gained she became a governess at Thornfield Manor for a French girl named Adele. Jane worked under the command of Mr. Rochester. The many events that happen at Thornfield cause Jane to feel many different emotions; joy, despair, frustration, love and hope. She finally becomes a teacher and lives with the Rivers. Later finding out she has an inheritance from her uncle. Which she shares with the Rivers. Theres a lot to this book and Jane changes a lot. from Gateshead to Lowood school, Jane freedom andwas no longer confined to her cruel aunts house. No more bully, no more ignorance and no more loneliness, Jane was able to adjust herself into a normal girl. Through learning from Helen and God, since Lowood School was Christian, Jane realized the sense of obedience. This learning helped her attitude to accept challenges and difficulties, instead of complaining. Her life at Lowood gave her peace even with the poor living condition. From Lowood to Thornfield, even freedom was given both mentally and physically since there were less rules. Jane had to set her own rules and give direction to herself. Her confidence and thoughts caught Mr. Rochesters attention. After the outbreak of Mr. Rochesters former marriage, Jane remained calm. Jane kept aware of her self-worth and left Thornfield to keep learning and to keep searching for her own meaning of life. From Thornfield to Moor house, she lost everything herself. Without the job at Thornfield, she was poor. While she stayed at the Moor House, Jane was given a job to help St. John to manage the school. From Moor House to Ferdean Manor, with her uncles fortune, Jane had become a wealthy, independent, woman. Instead, great difference was made when she was back to help Mr. Rochester. Compared to how she went to him before poor and needing help to now going to the opposite. I told you I am independent, sir, as well as rich: I am my own mistress.

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