Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Social Injustice Abortion - 1398 Words

Social Injustice: Abortion Murder is completely illegal in the United States and is punishable by life in prison, yet every day, around 3,300 murderers escape the consequences of breaking this law (â€Å"About Abortion†). These murderers just so happen to be abortion doctors, who tear unborn children limb from limb and even make a profit for doing so. Why are these doctors not considered murderers? They have convinced the general populace that an unborn child is not yet a child, just a mass of tissue. However, by the time a child is three weeks old, he has a functional heart and quite possibly a different blood type than his mother (â€Å"TALKING POINTS: Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act† 1). In spite of this, doctors all over the world continue to perform operations in which they tear fetuses apart, crush their skulls, inject them with toxins, and use all sorts of cruel, inhumane methods to kill them. Abortion is one of the most sickening things that happens every day in co mmunities all over the world, but thanks to organizations like First Choice Pregnancy Solutions, more and more mothers are choosing life for their unborn children. Forty-three years ago, on January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court made abortion legal across the whole country through two cases: Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton (â€Å"About Abortion†). The Court claimed that legalizing abortion protected the â€Å"right to privacy† guaranteed by the Constitution, but could not find any actual passage in theShow MoreRelatedAbortion: A Social Injustice Essay2006 Words   |  9 Pagespotentially have been your neighbor, your friend, or even your son or daughter. Abortion is the surgical process of killing a baby by various means; and has been in effect since the Supreme Court ruling on Roe V. Wade in 1973 which legalized it nationwide. 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